The restaurant at Carleton University. Used to be the Faculty Club, but has been re-christened and given a new bistro-type menu with a focus on modern, seasonal and fresh fare. Open for breakfast and lunch.

Foods from Baker's


2010 Jan 8
I ate here with my wife yesterday. I went once years ago when it was the Faculty Club and the menu consisted of unreconstructed stodge.

I was surprised (and excited) to see that it has been revamped with a focus on fresh, seasonal food. The menu is bistro-ish; steak frites, french onion soup, panko crusted goat cheese, crab cakes etc...

I had the french onion soup which came with a fresh roll and rosemary/red onion flatbread. Awesome all round. And it only cost $5. I could easily have spent double that in the Carleton cafeteria for something I would have enjoyed half as much.